Posts Tagged ‘Danger DX’

How is a blog born? With the inception of an idea. But an idea (theoretical part) without execution (practical part) is just like building air castles; they both look good in imagination.  So the inception of an idea is followed by sleepless nights and eye-straining research on how to actually share your ideas (or thoughts) with the world. And this strenuous exercise requires choosing the right blogging platform, blog domain, blog theme, and the first post. Hello world!

But I have already been through this phase once when I started this blog (a long long time ago). So, why this post now? Why bother? As some of you might realize, and some of you might not, that this blog has been lying on the cold stone of despair for a very (and I mean very) long time, eagerly waiting for its prince charming; a kiss to break the curse. And sooner than later I realized that the prophesied prince charming found a pretty girl on his way, fell in love, and changed the course of his (and this blog’s) destiny. It took me some time to wrap my head around this revelation, and also the fact that I would have a preferred the kiss by a princess instead. So the curse had to be lifted and unfortunately, there was no kiss involved.

This is like a second birth, a second chance, a new journey. I have not erased the previous posts from this blog, although I so desperately wanted to. A fresh start, who doesn’t like that? However, a wise man (who, interestingly, looks like me) once said that you cannot change the past, but you can learn from it. So my previous posts are yours to judge. I was posting memes before they were even popular! My new content will largely focus on the rambling of my precarious mind, my experiences, and my philosophy. I already share conventional literary pieces on The Author’s Blog, which I run along with two of my friends. Feel free to visit that blog and drop a comment if you find something interesting.

As for this blog, prepare yourselves to deal with the varying states of a human mind. And try to get accustomed with the weird part because that is the central block around which most of my thoughts find good company. I hope to engage in stimulating discussions with you guys on a variety of topics. Feel free to judge me, criticize me or even condemn me. The road ahead is smooth and empty and I am in the mood to drive. So hop on the back seat and enjoy the ride.

And if anyone is still wondering, this is the first post. Hello world!

-Danger DX