Archive for March, 2013

The Poem is Lovely

Escaping the company of moaning dim-wits

I travel through the zombie-land

Thinking of absolution, my absolution

My path was crowded but destination isolated

I login into mainframe, my private world

And rush to catchup with the world

Scrolling randomly trying to absorb

I find this link, my favourite genere

Going through the beautiful lines i smile

Smile at the accomplishment of the artist

Surprised by the unusual element i read it again

Line by line and word by word

And a third time, much more vivid

I take a pause to absorb more deeply

The work is great, brilliant, fantastic

The words, the lines, the emotions

Everything from top to bottom, fantastic!

I start accumulating words to express my feelings

To match the brilliance of this unusual invention

The words accumulate and emotions overflow

My mind racing to create the perfect feedback

So a one last time my eyes rest upon it

The smile returns and the words disappear

All i could write was “The poem is lovely…”